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Artist Charlotte Haywood has been working in the Rappville community this year as part of the Rappville Creative Recovery Project. She has been collecting stories, learning about plants and discovering special foods and recipes from around the town. 


As part of her artwork, Charlotte is making a Community Cookbook to share with all the households in Rappville.  Working wth primary school students and calling to all community members of Rappville, Charlotte has gathered local recipes, stories of foods and special plants used in cooking to be compiled into a community cookbook. 

Community cookbooks have been created the world over as a way of sharing a sense of place, people and the food we eat, share and grow.

To grab your FREE copy of the printed Cookbook, please come down to the Rappville Creative events from Friday 3PM 29 OCTOBER - Sunday 4PM 31 OCTOBER, Charlotte will be onsite to give you your own copy!! 

See the full program HERE 

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